Is travel a part of your work requirements? If so, you need to be aware of one of the easiest ways to save money. WRITE IT OFF! As long as the trip is for business, you can deduct transportation expenses. Legally business must be the primary purpose for your trip, and you can’t write off anything personal. But this includes business-related travel expenses.

It is crucial to know that travel days can officially count as business activities. Also, if your weekend falls in between workdays (Friday/Monday – business days), the weekend can be considered as business days as well. If your flying within the country on a Wednesday and have meetings on Thursday, Friday and Monday, technically you have accrued six business days. Therefore the travel expenses for your flight, rental car or any transportation can be justified as for the entire trip, even the weekend as a business expense.

Another contingency being that you have to set a business appointment before you depart. At least one. As long as you have something set-up, you are clear with the IRS to write off travel expenses. Make sure you keep records of all the expenses you have and any advances you receive from your employer, any kind of written record. So if you’re going to be reimbursed, why not not travel in comfort and impeccable style? The fact that travel expenses can be classified as business write-offs is only another reason to travel with ACE Elite Services.